Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Room of His Own

I almost titled this post, "Kicked Out," but I thought Christopher might resent that later in life. We decided to move Christopher to his own room a few nights ago because he grunts all night long. He is the noisiest sleeper sometimes. It was nice having him in the pack'n'play for the first three weeks, but he is ready for bigger and better sleeping spaces. He seems pretty happy in his own room, and we are sleeping a little better now. He usually wakes up a couple times a night which seems pretty managable.

One of the biggest changes with Christopher's move is that we had to move the baby monitor to his room and now Daniel is monitorless. Ironically, moving the monitor has resulted in him sleeping later...I promise we do listen for him.

1 comment:

L said...

we had to move kaydence to her own room when she was 2 1/2 weeks for that very reason. although an amazing sleeper, she was extremely noisy, grunting and breathing very heavy. it kept me awake all.night.long, so we moved her. she adjusted just fine too and i finally got a little sleep. :-)