Monday, January 18, 2010

Baby Brother

Daniel seems to really like being a big brother. He always has to go check on the baby when he wakes up in the morning or from his nap, and he really likes to give the baby kisses. Daniel actually likes to give everyone kisses, but that's a different story. We were a little nervous about letting Daniel hold the baby, so we started out slowly.
Then we got a little braver about three weeks later.
And moments later, I took the leap of letting him hold his baby brother. He did a great job!

1 comment:

L said...

awww...i can't believe how big daniel is getting. these pictures are so sweet. they're both adorable. it seems like just yesterday i was sitting in your sun room when daniel was christopher's size...crazy. where does the time go? and i'll have a 1 year old in a little over a month! yikes!