Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christopher Smiles

Here are a few pictures of the little guy winding up for a big smile. He is still a relatively mellow baby and doing well at night. He normally gets up a couple times to nurse, and seems to be better about keeping them less than an hour. During the day he is pretty happy and really enjoyg the swing and the sling. Evenings are difficult. Evenings are busy and Christopher usually wants to be held or to nurse. That makes getting dinner and bedtime done difficult. Daniel was fussy in the evening, too. I'm starting to think that it must be a baby thing. They like to get you at your worst moment. No, I think they just like you to know who is in charge.

We also have some other exciting things going on. I ordered a double stroller yesterday! After much deliberation, we decided to go with the Tike Tech Double City x3 Swivel Stroller. I'm really excited for it to arrive next week. Also, we are going to Florida with the boys in March. It will be interesting travelling with two lap children. Hopefully the weather will cooperate!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I LOVE these!!! how cute...and what a cute outfit ;)