Saturday, September 24, 2011

Farmer's Market Fun

Highlights of the Farmer's Market today included star cookies and the Capitol. We almost got asked to leave the Capitol, but as we were not pouring beer on any legislators, they let the boys continue their hide and seek and echo games with only a hairy eyeball. Believe it or not, we actually made it through 2.5 of the 4 blocks, but in an effort to limit my purchases to what we wanted instead of what Daniel wanted, no pictures were taken.

Little Logic

Daniel asked me if he could use his Thomas puzzle tin box to bring his lunch to school. In lieu of just saying, "No Daniel, that's rediculous," my response was to ask him where the puzzle pieces would go. He responded in a not so subtle way.

Thomas puzzle box in the lunchbox cabinet

Thomas puzzle pieces in Daniel's lunchbox.
He's got it all figured out doesn't he? I guess the idea of a lunchbox with Thomas and wheels on it was just a little too exciting.

Friday, September 23, 2011

I guess I'm not in charge

Sorry for the infrequency of posts. Everytime I have something to blog about I get sidetracked. Life is pretty fun these days, but on occasion, things fall apart. Like today for instance. Here's the play by play:

9:45 am - Ok, time to put Chrisopher down because I have a conference call at 10 am.
9:58 am - Time to dial in for the call. What's that I hear? Christopher crying from upstairs.
10 am - Start conference call and cue "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
10:45 am - Oh no, someone is digging in the pantry. *6 was mute for the call right?
10:46 am - Use food to distract the boys during the last f 15 minutes of the call.
11:10 am - Finally done. Boys were fine. Time to regroup so we can go out to eat for lunch.
11:45 am - Alright, out the door and headed to Dumpling Haus. Very excited to treat the boys to lunch and hopefully birthday shopping for Matt.
11:46 am - From the backseat, "Mom, are we going to Noodles?" - "No, we are going to a new place called Dumpling Haus." - "Mommy, I don't like dumplings, I want macaroni and cheese" - "You are having macaroni and cheese for dinner, will you try dumplings at lunch? It will be fun. Is Christopher sleeping?" - "I don't want dumplings. Yes, Christopher is sleeping."
11:47 am - Enact plan b. Cluver's drive through. I suspect Christopher will be asleep for a while.
12:15 pm - Home for lunch. Relocate Christopher to the crib. Daniel eats nothing for the next 20 minutes.
12:35 pm - Daniel finally starts to eat.
1 pm - Put Daniel down for a nap only to hear Christopher start to wake up as I walk in front of the door. Seriously?
1:15 pm - Daniel is down, but not happy about it. Now it's time to get Christopher and feed him lunch.
1:57 pm - Here we are, blogging together, Christopher being a small tornado in my lap. Daniel sounds quiet. If he's not asleep, he'll come down at 2 pm. If he is asleep, great.

The real question is, should I attempt birthday shopping again when Daniel comes down? The way my day is going I think that might lead to a reapeat of what happened at 11:46 am. Christopher is going to need more sleep. Wouldn't that be fun? Online shopping, here I come.