Friday, September 23, 2011

I guess I'm not in charge

Sorry for the infrequency of posts. Everytime I have something to blog about I get sidetracked. Life is pretty fun these days, but on occasion, things fall apart. Like today for instance. Here's the play by play:

9:45 am - Ok, time to put Chrisopher down because I have a conference call at 10 am.
9:58 am - Time to dial in for the call. What's that I hear? Christopher crying from upstairs.
10 am - Start conference call and cue "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
10:45 am - Oh no, someone is digging in the pantry. *6 was mute for the call right?
10:46 am - Use food to distract the boys during the last f 15 minutes of the call.
11:10 am - Finally done. Boys were fine. Time to regroup so we can go out to eat for lunch.
11:45 am - Alright, out the door and headed to Dumpling Haus. Very excited to treat the boys to lunch and hopefully birthday shopping for Matt.
11:46 am - From the backseat, "Mom, are we going to Noodles?" - "No, we are going to a new place called Dumpling Haus." - "Mommy, I don't like dumplings, I want macaroni and cheese" - "You are having macaroni and cheese for dinner, will you try dumplings at lunch? It will be fun. Is Christopher sleeping?" - "I don't want dumplings. Yes, Christopher is sleeping."
11:47 am - Enact plan b. Cluver's drive through. I suspect Christopher will be asleep for a while.
12:15 pm - Home for lunch. Relocate Christopher to the crib. Daniel eats nothing for the next 20 minutes.
12:35 pm - Daniel finally starts to eat.
1 pm - Put Daniel down for a nap only to hear Christopher start to wake up as I walk in front of the door. Seriously?
1:15 pm - Daniel is down, but not happy about it. Now it's time to get Christopher and feed him lunch.
1:57 pm - Here we are, blogging together, Christopher being a small tornado in my lap. Daniel sounds quiet. If he's not asleep, he'll come down at 2 pm. If he is asleep, great.

The real question is, should I attempt birthday shopping again when Daniel comes down? The way my day is going I think that might lead to a reapeat of what happened at 11:46 am. Christopher is going to need more sleep. Wouldn't that be fun? Online shopping, here I come.

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