Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lazy Sunday Morning

Matt and I are just hanging out waiting for Daniel to wake up. It is such a strange feeling. The time I get out of bed has been dictated by Daniel since he was born, which was 7 months ago! Daniel never really caught on to the whole daylight savings thing, so he's been going to bed between 6 and 7 pm, waking up at 5 or 5:30 am to nurse then going back to bed until around 8 am. Today I couldn't make myself sleep in that later.

The big downside is that this change seems to be at the expense of his afternoon nap. I love the afternoon nap. I need the afternoon nap. The morning nap is great it's really long, 2+ hours, and I get lots done. But the afternoon nap helps me preserve my sanity. I just need an hour to take a nap or tune out and watch TV. Afternoons get really long with a little one. We will see how this evolved over the next couple weeks.

We had a wonderful weekend despite the Irish's pitiful performance last night. We went out with friends on Friday night to have some much needed adult time, and yesterday I helped out with Expanding Your Horizons at my work (it's a program for junior high girls to get them interested in technical fields). Then the Lee's came over to have dinner and watch the Irish. I'm glad they came over, it gave me an excuse to make a real meal. I've been super lazy about cooking recently. It is just that I want to spend my time in the evening with Daniel, not cooking dinner.

He is changing all the time now. He loves his toys and has discovered that he likes to be higher in space. Unfortunately, him pulling up on things leads to many more bumps and bruises. He is a pretty quick learner, so I think that letting him fail occasionally ultimately helps him master skills. It is kind of scary that Daniel has entered a phase where we need to help him devleop rather than just love him. We are expanding his finger food selection. Seeing him try to eat bananas is pretty amusing. He never knows what to think of new things in his mouth.

Here is a video of him trying to crawl. I'm starting to think that he is only going to do the army man crawl until he learns to walk.

1 comment:

nueva said...

What a kid! I love seeing and hearing about his discoveries. Keep them coming! Love, Aunt Mimi cousin brian had to wear corrective braces on his feet at this stage. He managed to scoot across the floor on his fanny. He's always been the inventive one in the family!