Friday, April 4, 2008

Triage and Early Labor

Well, we really should have a baby any day now. I went into the hospital yesterday morning because the doctor was suspicious that I was leaking amniotic fluid. That was not the case, but I was having pretty regular contractions. So around 2 pm, we made it home and just chilled out for the afternoon. I just got to hang out in triage that whole time. Matt made it over in time to see me back in my clothes and ready to head home. We both decided that triage sounds like a much scarier place than it is. The big drawback is that the rooms are pretty small.

Things calmed down for a while, but picked back up again after dinner. I was having contractions all evening long even though I was resting. I gave up on sleeping at 11 pm, and finally woke Matt up at 2 am. After getting our stuff together, we headed to the hospital again. Well, after five hours at the hospital, they decided to send us home again. Me with a prescription for Ambien in tow so that I could get some sleep. Things are progressing, and I am having regular, painful contractions, but we are still not there yet. The doctor did say that she thought there was no way that I would make it to 40 weeks. So only two days of contractions to get through. We are waiting for them to consistently be between 60 and 90 seconds each.

Matt has been wonderful through everything today and yesterday. I couldn't imagine doing this without him. Also, my Mom is scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning. Who knew that she would have so many hours to prepare for her departure.

The next time I go in, we are having this baby. I'm not going in three times in a matter of days and not having the baby. Interventions or not. Wish us luck! We'll keep you posted. At this point, everyone is healthy and strong.

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