Sunday, April 20, 2008

Two Weeks Old

It seems like we are starting to settle into a routine here at the homestead. It mostly involves nursing, sleeping, diapers, and laundry. Daniel has been an excellent sleeper through the night. We usually only have one middle of the night feeding, so Matt and I are lucky enough to get a couple nice long stretches of sleep during the night. On the flipside, he likes to nurse every 1.5 to 2 hours during the day. As I begin to return to my former self, I'm going to have to come up with lots of activities that take about 45 minutes, which is the downtime I get between feedings. That is if I can bear to put him down after he falls asleep. Sometimes we just nap together on the couch for hours on end. The newborn time warp is quite wonderful. I just hope that I remember that there is life outside of our little world and I still have to pay bills.

We have had lots of visitors. Aunt Kelly came last weekend and Aunt Maggie was here this weekend. Grammy (my Mom) was here from the day he was born until last Tuesday, and my Dad was here the weekend he was born. Erin also made it up for the day last Saturday, and the Milwaukee Mahoney's brought us dinner on Sunday night. Here are a few pictures of the little guy. I'll post more later. These are all about a week old.