Monday, April 7, 2008

It's a Boy!

Well, I wasn't kidding on Friday. Daniel Thomas Lee was born on Saturday, April 5, 2008 at 6:41 am. He was 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 21.5 inches long.

The labor was long as you probably figured from my Friday post which it turns out I wrote while in labor. We went in at 5:30 pm on Friday and only had to spend about three minutes in traige before they admitted us. Once the epidural was in, I was back to my normal self after being fairly miserable for the previous day. I must have seemed a little too comfortable because Matt was extremely relaxed during labor. I know most of you don't believe that this is what he was like, but seriously, he spent a couple hours reading the paper.

Around 2:30 am, I started pushing. At 6 am they decided we had to do something else, so we were suited up for the operating room.

I was totally overwhelmed at this point, but it was all worth it. Here are a couple pictures in the operating room just after he was born.

We are home now and starting to adjust to having a little one in the house. It is wonderful having him here, but I can tell already that life is going to be so different. We already have so much we want to share. I'll have to wait until later for that.


Ashley Turnbull said...

CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS! And what a beautiful name - I love it! I cannot wait to see more pictures!

Anonymous said...

Matt and Rachel, congratulations on your beautiful baby boy. The pictures you posted were too sweet. And you said it, friend, life as you know it has forever changed :-) But it's wonderful all the same!

-April Hocutt

Anonymous said...

Rachel and Matt--

What a beautiful baby boy! I definitely see Grandpa TJ in Daniel's face. He is just precious......Daniel, that is. OK, TJ is precious too! Enjoy these days, although they may be long and exhausting. Treasure each moment, because before you know it, your baby boy will be changing and growing so fast.
With lots of love and congrats from Aunt Liz, Uncle Tim, Nora, George, Molly and Grace. XXXOOO

anne said...

Congrats Matt and Rachel! I heard at Trisha & Tims wedding that your baby boy was here!
Life has changed, but for the better. Sure it will challange you like you never thought but you will grow so much stronger! :)
He is adorable, a big guy, and just simply precious. Enjoy this time, goes by so fast.
If you have any questions or anything...
COngrats again!

aurora said...
