Friday, April 25, 2008

A Few Status Updates

I'll be on leave until August 18, and then I'm going back Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

We are taking Daniel to Nova Scotia for three weeks in July and August.

My sister Kelly will be living with us this summer, attending summer school at UW, and working at First Weber (Dan's company). We are looking forward to having her here. From a house of two to a house of four in just six weeks. It should be fun.

On the work front, I'll be starting my speaking tour in May :). I submitted three abstracts this year, and all three were accepted. I am doing talks for our region's WEF association (CSWEA) annual conference in May, the state operator association conference in October, and for WEFTEC - a national wastewater conference - in October. Thankfully Kelly will be here to go to CSWEA with me in Minneapolis. I don't think I could do it alone with a 6-week-old.

On the baby front -

- Target diapers remind me of cardboard when compared to Huggies or Pampers.
- I've never done so much laundry in my life. How can a 9 pound baby generate so much laundry?
- It's amazing how the day can go by and I've spent most of it just holding and nursing Daniel. And after so much time with him, I forget that I can actually leave the room when he sleeps in the Pack'N'Play.

1 comment:

Ashley Turnbull said...

Hilarious! I cannot believe you are presenting all those times! Good for you - you must have some cool project or something? Not me. I may go to the conferences, but I'll be a "booth babe" =) Daniel is adorable. He is so cute! Looks like Matt to me!