Thursday, January 24, 2008

Interesting Post

So I'm very much a blog stalker of a number of sites. I thought this,, post was particularly informative and hit right at something I've been thinking about a lot recently. As most of you already know, Matt and I love to travel, and we spend a lot of time doing it. We already have three trips planned with AK (more on that later), and the baby is not even born yet. Sometimes I find myself wondering if I'm crazy to plan these trips now without even knowing what it will be like to have a baby. What if our child is like Matt and I were? According to our parents we were both fussy and extremely high maintenance. If that ends up being the case, I'll have to get good at apologizing to all the people lucky enough to sit next to us on planes. It's comforting to know that our parents were not limited by having children and neither are other people out there. We will just give it a go and get a little better each time.

Until Next Time,



Ashley Turnbull said...

Can't wait to see what "AK" stands for! Ha!

Oh, and I also can't wait to hear about these trips. Adam and I want to do a trip this spring - not sure where though. You should do a post on your top 5 trips...a picture and a quick synopsis or story from it!

rachnd1213 said...

That would be a fun post. I'll have to work on something. The trips are pretty routine - weddings and Nova Scotia.