Friday, September 25, 2009

Hey You!

Life with Daniel is pretty nice these days. He is still a very busy boy, but he is so interested in things and can do so much more on his own that it's a little less exhausting. It is also really fun to hear all his new words. One of the more recent additions is, "Hey you!" He will repeat it back to us over and over. He even got to say it to Aunt Kelly on the phone today when we called to wish her happy birthday.

Now that we are down to one nap a day consistently, he is going down for naps and bed like a dream. It makes life easier to have a good sleeper. I would say that meal times are one of our more challenging times of the day. He rejects much of the food that we offer him and won't eat veggies to save his life. It also feels like some days he eats nothing. I guess that's just part of toddlerhood.

I've been so bad at taking pictures recently. I decided to just take some everyday life ones today.

Daniel insisted that he needed to use the big fork for his oatmeal this morning.

He had to concentrate extra hard to make bites.

Here he is enjoying sitting at the dining room table.
Carrying his music sticks at the music class this morning.

Digging for dinasour bones.

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