Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Favorite Part of the Day

People always ask if Daniel is excited about having a little brother. I never know how to answer that question because I'm really not sure if he understands or not. I'm guessing that he does not really understand, but sometimes he does things that make me feel differently.

Each night we say our prayers before putting Daniel to bed. We always say a little prayer and then follow it up with a bunch of, "God bless..." prayers. A few weeks ago when I said, "God bless Mommy, Daddy, Daniel, and Baby," I showed him that the baby was in my belly and asked if he wanted to give the baby a hug and kiss. He decided that it was a good idea and hugged my belly and gave it a big kiss. It was super sweet. Now every night he gives my belly multiple kisses and hugs and repeats, "Baby!" over and over again during prayers. My belly gets better Daniel kisses than anyone or anything else. Some of the funnier things about this routine is that Daniel insists that my belly must be exposed. So I end up standing next to the crib with my big belly hanging out. He also seems to think that he will be able to touch the baby if he presses on my bellybutton hard enough. I have to discourage this more because it hurts!

He is certainly more aware of babies and understands the concept of baby, but I'm not sure if he understands that there will be a baby joining our household for the long run.

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