Monday, June 29, 2009


Over the past month or so, mass has started to become a real struggle with Daniel. We are lucky that our church has a nursery and a cry room. Unfortunately the nursery is not always staffed and the cry room is not that pleasant. Also, mass time and nap time are difficult to coordinate. Recently we have been taking Daniel to mass with us. For the most part he is ok, but we always have one or two big squawks. Also, he has a very difficult time sitting still or relatively still for an hour.

It's normally some huge orechastration of toys, juice, books and snacks that gets him through. On weeks where there is a song sheet, it is all we can do to not have a sacrificed song sheet to Daniel's drool. He has finally reached the point where he can look at the misalette without destroying it or ripping the pages out. He also really enjoys climbing on and off the pew and over the kneeler which sometimes ends up with head bumps and big cries. If we are really lucky, there will be someone behind us who likes Daniel and will make faces at him the entire time. The only problem is that now he repeatedly says, "Hi," to people to get their attention.

My primary concern during mass is keeping Daniel quiet and somewhat entertained and still, so if we get through with mild disruptions, I'm thinking it's a victory. Matt's primary concern is allowing the people around us to have uninterrupted prayerful mass time. His stress level during mass is much higher than mine.

Hopefully our time at church will become more prayerful one of these days, but for now it is more like a circus than a time of reflection. At least being in church reminds me of all the virtues I can practice during our hour even if they are focused on Daniel and not the readings.


Lisa said...

Truer words have never been spoken. Church with toddlers is a penance in and of itself. Focus on the virtues, someday it will be better. For now, Daniel is learning that we go to a quiet place every Sunday and someday he will get it.

Johanna said...

Amen Rachel! We are having the same problem. Enjoy it now while you and Matt can double team Daniel. When baby comes you'll be playing man-to-man defense and it's even harder! See you soon!

rachnd1213 said...

I would have to say that we go with the tag you're it defense. Parenting clausterphobia gets me from time to time, and I can't hand Daniel off fast enough :) I'm not looking forward to the man-to-man days :)

Mrs. Johnson said...

Ha! I hear ya! Taylor is all over the place. Food is a definite must at church!...and books, and any other toy that is quite.

Taylor also says "hi" repeatedly (especially to random people not even looking in our direction.)

BTW, are you guys finding out/know what you're having? We all need to get together again.

Catherine said...

We have finally finally reached a better (though not always great) place with Catherine at Mass. Right before her 3rd birthday, we moved back into the "big church" from the cry room, and she's done pretty well. (the bribe of doughnuts always helps!) I think our little window is closing quickly though with David. I think soon we'll have to take turns w/ him in the cry room.