Saturday, June 13, 2009

Big Christmas Plans

Life is changing by the minute here in the Lee house. Shortly after we settled the deal on the new house, we found out that our house is going to be a bit more full in December. We are having another baby! The baby's due December 23, so that puts me 12 weeks along. Everything has been going great so far. I've been feeling much less queasy than I did with Daniel, and I've been much less tired. I keep thinking that something might be wrong because I don't feel too much yet. We heard the heartbeat for the first time at the doctor yesterday, and everything is just fine. Daniel thought it was a song and did a little dance. I've actually been feeling the baby move a bit which has been really nice. After the first doctor's appointment, she mentioned that I might feel the baby earlier than the first preganacy, but I had no idea that it would be this soon.

So we have pretty exciting Christmas plans this year! I'm really hoping the baby comes before Christmas instead of after.

I'm sorry to those of you who I have not been able to catch on the phone. It's been difficult to get in touch with everyone.


Ashley Turnbull said...

Congratulations, Rachel!!! What fun! So excited for you guys...keep us updated!! You are a champ by the way - you seem to stay so busy w/ work and the, another one!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!!!!! And I'm sorry that we haven't had a chance to talk in FOREVER!!! Can't wait to talk!

Alisha said...

Congratulations! So exciting!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, that is amazing news. Jane Hatt is also pregnant and due in October. Lots of Shore friends. Are you heading to the shore this year?


rachnd1213 said...


We will be at the cottage August 7-16. Daniel is going to love it this year. He loves the water and exploring. We are really looking forward to the trip.


Meg Mahoney said...

Rachel and Matt: CONGRATS on baby #2!! I got your VM, Rachel, but we were on vacation in Laguna Beach. Boys leave Sunday to go see Mark, so I should have lots of time to catch up then. Hope you continue feeling good