Monday, March 16, 2009


Spring is starting to show its face here in Wisconsin. We have had a few days in the 50s, and today we are supposed to break the 60 degree mark. Yipee! In honor of the great weather, I've taken Daniel around the yard a few times to explore and enjoy the weather. I really had no idea how messy 'outside' is. I know, call me naieve, but being an adult, I have not had to be that close to the earth on a regular occasion. Daniel is right down there, next to the dirt, and he loves it. He has already figured out where the rocks are and likes to chew on them. You know, I've always thought that rocks were a delicacy. I might have to bestow my boo-boo rock on him when he gets old enough. That was my magical rock I had as a kid that healed all bumps and bruises.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

i loved boo boo rock!!! it was magical. and yes, the tradition should continue.