Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm sorry I've been so lax about posting recently. Our life has been consumed by house stuff. We have someone offering on our house. I think we are on our 6th counteroffer. Also, there is a house that I really like. The house would require all sorts of updating, so I've been talking to painters and floor people and kitchen folks all week. We are trying to figure out how much we would have to put in it and how much we could offer for it and not price ourselves out of the market. Scary to think about lots more work, but fun to think about making a house a home. Also the thought of getting my very own new kitchen is pretty enticing. Now we just have to figure out how to sell, move, update, and live all at the same time. At one point I had visions of a fridge in the basement and a hotplate in the laundry room and using the utility sink for cooking. I would certainly be motivated to get the remodel done if that were the case.

In addition to deciding we are going to move, Matt and I are both extremely busy at work. Being busy at work is great, but the stress that comes with it is not always great.

Daniel is doing wonderful. He is starting to become a little person. We can go on errands together, and he walks with me! It is crazy. I can't wait for nicer weather. The outdoors provides so much more opportunity for creative play. Thinking of activities for the little one is a challenge for me at times. I think it has to do with the 3-minute attention span. Here is a little video from this weekend.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Gosh, Daniel is so cute and is walking so well! I love your shirt in that video! Where did you get it? Gotta get me one:)

Gosh, so you're willing to buy a home that needs a bunch of updates?! You sound like my husband--that's something he soo wants to do (we're looking now). It's probably the smart thing to do, in many cases. I'm not so sure I'm up for that and I guess I have a hard time seeing the possible "updates" behind all the crap that's already there, you know? Let us know what you decide!

Take care!