Tuesday, March 10, 2009

First Word

It's official. Daniel has a word. Now he has been saying lots of things for a while, but everything has seemed fairly indiscriminate, even mama and dada. Over Christmas he would chase my parents dogs around and say what we thought was, "Dog, dog, dog, ..." but I was not sure that was actually a word either. Well, I was wrong. Everytime he is with a dog, he walks or crawls over to the dog and says, "Dog, dog, dog, dog, ..." We don't even have a dog, but both set of grandparents do. He gets to see Cara (the Lee's Bernease Mountain dog) every Monday, so he's probably been babbling dog tons, and I've just missed it because I wasn't there.

We were at their house on Sunday during our open house, and Daniel was just loving playing with Cara. He would chase her around and pet her and Cara would just lick him in the face (gross if you ask me, but Daniel doesn't seem to mind). All the while saying dog. He is really entertaining these days because he can really show excitement and really enjoys little games. He is also really proud of his accomplishments - so cute! I'll try to get a video of them playing together.

On Friday the weather was very nice for this time of year. It was over 50 deg F and sunny. For March that's perfect. I decided that Daniel and I needed to go to the park. We did the swing a little and I took him on a few slides and just let him explore. He was particularly interested in the leaves. He would pick one up, take a bite, decide it wasn't food, pull it out of his mouth, and give it back to me. Now I kept debating whether or not to let him eat the things he was picking up, but since it was all 'natural' I decided that it couldn't really hurt him. There was also some snow left on the ground that he got to play with. He never quite figured it out but enjoyed touching it. This summer is going to be so much fun for him. I can't wait to see him really play at the playground.

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