Monday, September 9, 2013

I Think I Have a Problem

So remember a few posts ago when I claimed that I never forget appointments and things like that. Well, having three kids may have pushed me into the realm of sometimes gets things done, sometimes does not. You see, Saturday evening was our godson's birthday party, and Matt and I had decided it was best if he took the big boys to the party. Well, at least that was what we discussed in my mind. I found out about five minutes before he was going to leave that his, nonverbalized, response to my idea (instruction) about taking the boys to the party was, "What do you think, I'm crazy?" So needless to say I was in full Saturday work attire when I found out that I was going to the birthday party and leaving in five minutes. Thank goodness it does not take me long to go from errand running to partying outfits. Matt and I were both totally honestly believing in our perspectives so much that all we could do was laugh about the situation all evening long and a bit into the next day. I hope this is just part of the learning curve and not a sign of how things will be from now until forever. Only time will tell. Until then I think Outlook appointments with very clear instructions will have to suffice.

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