Friday, December 2, 2011


Christopher is a very verbal child. He talks a lot about everything. He also mimics so much of what he hears. It is quite entertaining listening to him. He also has quite a few funny things that he likes to say and do. It all started with tricky several months ago. Anyway, here are a few for your enjoyment:

- When he sings the alphabet, he says "ooo" instead of "u."
- When we start pulling into the driveway he announces, "We're at Mommy's house ... Mommy."
- Most sentences are followed by ...(dramatic pause)... Mommy.
- His name is slowly gaining all of its letters. It started as "Kiffer," but will occasionally come out as, "Chrispher" now.
- Back in September or October when the days started getting much shorter, Christopher learned that it could be dark outside and it was such a novelty (he's been going to bed at 7 pm for as long as I can remember), he would run to the window and point and say, "dark outside" repeatedly until we would acknowledge that it was, in fact, dark outside.
- Christohper loves all the Christmas decorations, he has been pointing out all the "tiny balls" in the neighborhood on the way home. He likes to do that after he tells me, "I found it, Mommy. I found the moon, Mommy."
- Everytime he sees the phone out he says, "Talk to Gigi, Mommy?" and tries to talk to her even though no one is there.
- At every meal, no matter what we are having, he always asks Matt for a, "bite please."
- Christopher is also very interested in cooking. He always comes into the kitchen and asks if he can, "See it, Mommy. See it please?" Then he insists that he look in each pot and in the oven just so that he is in the loop about what's cooking. Hilarious if you ask me.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I miss "Chrispher"....he can call Gigi anytime and I will listen to anything he has to say. What a cutie!