Monday, October 31, 2011


The boys had a blast Trick-or-Treating tonight and today at school at "people's work" as Daniel would tell you. I guess that's an added bonus of a corporate daycare. They are all about the treats. Christopher kept asking for "more treats" and pointed out all the "scary" things as we strolled around the neighborhood. He caught on to the concept pretty early in the game. Daniel later exclaimed that, "Trick-or-treat is the best night ever!" Unlike year's past where Daniel thought that the idea of Halloween was to actually go inside everyone's houses (at least four entries each year), he actually picked up on the get candy and run idea this year. We did manage to squeeze, "thank you's" in before the tail was headed on.

Our biggest delay was the little clown wobbling behind with a hat that wouldn't stay up. On one particularly long sidewalk that meandered around several flower beds, Christopher was lagging way behind. I went back to check on him to find him pointing at each petunia. After asking him what he was doing, he replied, "Counting. Counting flowers." As if to say, "Mom, these flowers are all lined up here along the sidewalk. Clearly they were put here for me to count." I'm pretty sure that this was his favorite house because when he finally made it to the door, he was rewarded with two "hot jack-o-lantern's" meaning jack-o-lanterns with candles inside and a full-size candy bar. You should have seen the size of my boy's eyes when that tray came out! So much fun tonight! Makes me look forward to future years.

The clown and Puff the Magic Dragon posing on the front stoop.
Daniel snuggling and Christopher showing me his Jack-o-Lantern.
Dan explaining something really important to Daniel about pumpkins and horses.

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