Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Teacher's Comments

Today when I picked up the boys at school, they were helping the teacher assemble the castle gift we had given the class. The castle had many, many pieces that had to be put together to create the finished product. I commented on her bravery taking on that challenge with four little helpers. She said, "It would have been easier if Daniel did not keep telling me that I needed to do it differently because it did not look like the picture on the box." Then she said, "but we do have all these leftover parts." Me being of the engineer mindset glanced at the box and then looked at the castle and assessed that she had, in fact, constructed the castle incorrectly. At that very same moment, she said that she had been telling Daniel that there was probably more than one way to put it together. Then it dawned on me... Is Daniel inherently like this, or did I create it? I'm guessing it is the latter because my reaction to her very nice, although not exactly like the picture on the box, castle was exactly the same as his. Luckily I'll have my chance to do much assembly in the coming days. Christmas with small children results in lots of assembly.

In that moment when I heard my words being echoed back from my son's mouth I realized that I just needed to let it go. Let it go, Rachel, let it go. I've known this for years, or at least I've been told that I focus on some of the smaller details, but I've never seen such a great example of it. I guess she is right, it's ok if all of the pieces are not in the exact right spot. Good thing is, I'm working on finding inner peace. I've taken up yoga, and I love it! So on those really trying days, I just head over to Dragonfly Hot Yoga and sweat it out ;)

We are putting together our last gifts for Christmas, and can't wait for the big day. Too bad it's likely going to be a brown Christmas this year. The little snow we had melted. Ok, must hit the hay and get a little sleep before tomorrow. Here's to hoping your Mother passes on her best qualities to you!

And just for reading, here is a cute picture of the boys.

1 comment:

Courtney M. O'Mara said...

You have spawned a little engineer! Love it! And at least the teacher's comment is nicer than what the secretaries said when Lucy last visited the office: "Oh, is she bossy like her mommy?"