Friday, April 8, 2011

Hello Florida!

We are in Florida on vacation for a long weekend. It's wonderful! It's been 85 and sunny with a light breeze since we arrived yesterday. Both boys are so happy to be in a warm and sunny place, and they are loving the water. Within hours of arriving we were at the beach, and Daniel was diving into waves like he lived on the beach. He couldn't get enough of it! Christopher must be learning to swim through osmosis (he's taking a break from lessons between Christmas and mid-summer) because he also was taking waves like he owned them and trying to jump into the pool today. These boys are fish! Can't wait for the rest of the weekend.

At the pool, anxiously awaiting the end of water aerobics.

Jump number 65 of the day.

Ice cream for the hard workers!

Christopher did not move from this spot for about three minutes because he was so exhausted from the pool.

I have a feeling we will be doing a lot of this in the upcoming days, months, years :)

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Looks like soo much fun! Love the pool pics! Also love that Christopher not moving for three whole minutes means he's exhausted....too funny!