Thursday, November 4, 2010

Photos, I Miss You

Some of you might be wondering why there have not been any pictures here since our trip to Virginia. I guess you might have to call it a casualty of good fun. Sunday morning was so hectic getting up and out of the hotel and to the airport. I was fine. It was just early for me, but Matt was, well, under the weather. Let's just say that being a groomsman in your college friend's wedding brings out the college in you.

So anyway, the camera never made it from the rental car to our bags. The part that ticks me off a bit is that I called Alamo before we even arrived at our house only to get a really sorry excuse for customer service. I am fairly certain that the person answering the phone that day has a nice Nikon Exlim now complete with pictures from Chris and Laura's wedding. At least we can see the Mariner's Museum and the Williamsburg Winery online, but there will never be a replacement for the beautiful bride or the green Focus. I've called back four more times, and their best excuse for helping has been that they sent an email. Thanks Alamo. I have zero confidence in their ability to find things as there were at least two other people's rental agreements in our glovebox. Despite the camera loss, the weekend was wonderful.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about getting a new camera. I feel like we should wait until Christmas or upgrade to iPhones or something like that, but then I realized that Christoper will be turning 1 before then. I'm going to have to figure out something before then! I'm open to suggestions.


Kelly said...

So sad about the camera :( Have mom send you her old one until you guys find the right one to get! I'm pretty sure she has it and it functions.

Lisa said...

Oh, yea, I could do that....if I could find the camera! Guess I'll start looking.

Becky said...

Oh no! I will miss seeing cute pics of your boys. Sound like you had a great time in VA. So sorry it did not work out for us to meet up. I need to meet Christopher one of these days!

rachnd1213 said...

Good idea Kelly!

Becky - How does it feel to be 30? We were sad that we missed you to. There were no boys in VA, so you did not miss them. If you are ever in the midwest, give us a heads up. We are game for outings.