Friday, November 5, 2010

Banana Phone and Palermo's to the Rescue

I had to make a rush-hour trip to the grocery store this afternoon with one toddler who did not nap and one baby who just seemed a bit frantic (teeth?). I knew it was a dicey situation, but I had to go. We are hosting the dinner portion of our Women's Club Progressive Dinner tomorrow night and I'm volunteering for Expanding Your Horizons tomorrow afternoon, so it was now or never. Things were going alright until I got into the vestibule and there were no car carts. That meant that Daniel was either free or thrown in the big part of the cart. I opted for the big part of the cart, but I knew that my groceries were likely to get pulverized.

We started in the produce department where Daniel asked to taste everything. I don't know how many times I had to tell him that we have to pay for the food before we eat it (this was particularly important for the produce as it is by weight!). Well I grabbed some bananas, and before I knew it, Daniel had one plucked from the bunch and was talking on it like a phone. I decided that this was a pretty good compromise. He continued to talk on his banana phone for half of the store very loudly. The fun was wearing off by the frozen foods, and I started to get worried.

I had no need to worry because we ran into the Palermo's Pizza sample lady. She was giving out slices of pizza, and Daniel loves pizza! Now these were not a taste of pizza. These were Happy Hour at the grocery store size slices. It was perfect. If you recall, I'm a big fan of Palermo's. I mentioned them in a earlier post about coupons. They have a .pdf $1 off coupon on their website. The pizza lasted until the dairy aisle when Matt called. Daniel had to ditch the pizza for the banana phone. It was hilarious. I was talking to Matt on the cell phone, and Daniel was talking to him on the banana phone.

We finally made it out of there with minimal outbursts. There was a mini-meltdown when the banana phone went into the bag instead of to Daniel. If you could have only seen the look on the bagger's face when Daniel asked him for his banana phone. The banana phone made a perfect snack for the ride home.
Thanks for reading! Try following! It's fun.


Lisa said...

Laughing out loud at the banana phone! You need an iphone so you can capture these moments! Sorry I missed this trip!

Johanna said...

This cracks me up. We definitely have to navigate the grocery store with a serious strategy of "what can they eat next." Love the banana phone...

Katie said...

reminds me of this video.