Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lots of Happenings

Where to begin? Maybe with the littlest member of the family. He has been busy doing new things every day. He has suddenly changed from a relatively stationary baby to one that can't move enough. He is not quite crawling, but he is trying really hard. He is pulling his knees up underneath him and trying to pull himself up. He is also starting to do the army man crawl and sitting quite well. He got his first tooth on Saturday, and the second one is not far behind! I suspect that the second tooth is why he was so crabby last night.
Last weekend we headed to Pittsburgh to go to my Dad's Mom's family reunion and to see the Guarino's who I insisteded on calling the Antonetti's. The kids had a great time playing all weekend long, and even though we did not spend much time with the extended family, the time we spent was great. The car ride there was quite challenging, but we used our hard earned experience to make the return much smoother.

Daniel is loving summertime. He is a fish and loves all sports. He is particularly into golf at the moment. He goes in the porch and gets a club and ball for each of us and makes me go outsite and hit the ball with him. So cute! He is still very curious. On Wednesday I got a phone call from his school saying that I had to come pick him up. He had put a raisin in his nose. Thankfully, I was prepared with an extraction method after the Cheerio incident.

Here are some pictures from the weekend and other adventures.

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