Sunday, July 11, 2010

Christopher's Big Week

I know I already mentioned it here, but Christopher had a huge week. He got his first two teeth, started sitting, and is almost crawling. The pictures and videos here are already out of date. Now he is getting up on all four and rocking. I'm trying to enjoy my last few days with a stationary child. As you will see, he is quite vocal, too. He loves squeeling. He is naked in the pictures because he is such a messy eater that his clothes had to go in the wash after lunch. I should be a pro at babyfeeding, but this kid is sneaky and quick. He will distract me and then grab the spoon. Maybe I'm just a pushover? The videos are kind of long, sorry.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Thanks for the videos! He is sooo cute! Reminds me a bit of Elliot, I think it is the big blue eyes. Miss you all!