Sunday, June 27, 2010


Daniel and Christopher absolutely love each other. It is such a treat to watch them together. Unfortunately Daniel is strong enough to really cause damage with Christopher. Over the past week or so he has become much more interested in having Christopher be part of the action. It's getting to the point where I have to be right next to them if they are within reach of each other. Daniel does really nice things for his brother. He helped Christopher move over to a new toy by grabbing his arm and dragging him there or he shared his new Playdoh with him. I had my back turned, and I heard, "Here Christopher, one for you." Christopher's 7th food was Playdoh. On the good side of the sharing, Daniel shared his sippy cup with Christopher the other day. Christopher found the spout and started taking sips. It took over six weeks and about 10 different cups for Daniel to get the sippy cup.

Here are a couple videos of the boys together. I had finished feeding Christopher dinner, but Daniel wanted to have a turn. He hopped up on the stool, and Christohper smiled and squeeled with delight. They just had a ball with each other.

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