Monday, November 30, 2009

Pregnancy Update

On Wednesday I'll be at 37 weeks. I can't believe that No. 2 is almost here. By the way, that is this baby's in utero name - No. 2. Many of you have asked about the pregnancy, so here is the scoop. This pregnancy has been easier than the last one. I am weighing in 10+ pounds less than I was with Daniel at the same point. The reduced weight gain has helped me to be more comfortable. Generally, I'm feeling fine. My hands and feet are super swollen which stinks. They have been swollen for a while and seem to be getting worse. Writing with a pen hurts these days. Just like the last pregnancy, I'm eating Maalox tablets like breathmints. I guess that's what happens when a baby is smooshing your insides. This baby has been more active than Daniel was. Maybe it is the reduced padding. You can really see this baby move sometimes.

Matt and I keep discussing how we feel somewhat unprepared for this baby. Matt keeps saying that we have not done anything to prepare for this baby. I told him that putting up the Christmas decorations was preparing for the baby :) In all seriousness, we have not done much to prepare for the baby's arrival, but I've done a few things. Matt was suprised to find out that there are clothes in the baby's closet and diapers, too. It is nice that we have most everything from the first time around. The biggest thing we are missing right now is a crib. Daniel's initial fascination with the big boy bed wore off, and he sleeps in the crib again. We are going to be borrowing a crib for a little while until Daniel makes the transition. I don't have the heart to force him into the big boy bed at 20 months.

So we will see what the doctor says on Wednesday, but I think the baby won't come for a couple weeks yet. I'm at a pretty similar stage to where I was with Daniel at this point, and he waited until 1 day before his due date to come.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Wow, I didn't realize you were that far along! You haven't complained about pregnancy pains at all in your blog (wink, smile)! I hope these last few weeks with just Daniel are special for you all!

Take care!