Sunday, October 11, 2009

Big Boy Bed

We are going to try to get Daniel to sleep in a big boy bed instead of moving into the world of two cribs. My plan is to have a twin mattress on the floor and the crib both available in Daniel's room until he is ready to give up the crib. Over the past few weeks, I picked up linens for the bunk beds, and I picked out a mattress for Daniel. Matt's parents were kind enough to pick up the mattress and deliver it today. We set it up in the corner of the room and put the new sheets and comforter on it. Daniel was excited about the bed right away. He climbed up on it and laid down on the pillow. I was sitting on the bed, and he came over and kind of pushed me off. He wouldn't even let his monkey hang out on the bed with him. Outside of the sharing issue, I took these all as good signs that he liked the bed. I'm not quite ready for him to sleep in the bed since I don't have the room totally toddlerproofed and we don't have a bedrail yet.

Well, it came time for nap, and Daniel went straight to the bed. He got in and laid down on the pillow, so I decided to give it a try. He fell right asleep. He slept in the big boy bed for 1.5 hours quite happily. I tried to snap a picture of him sleeping in the bed, but with the dim light and no flash and my nerves about waking him up, it did not turn out clearly. I'm sure you get the idea. He was so cute, but so grown up looking. While he was asleep, I went out and bought a bedrail.

I'm sure this is just beginners luck, but it is an encouraging start.

Update: Daniel insisted on sleeping in the big boy bed tonight. I put him in the crib and he kept walking around looking for a way to get to the bed. He then asked to be picked up and proceeded to point at the bed until I put him down in it. He went down without a sound. We'll see how the morning goes. I told him he needed to call for me and couldn't get out until I came. I seriously doubt that he will remember that advice 11 hours later after a night of sleep.


Alisha said...

How cute! I think the mattress on the floor is a great idea!

Johanna said...

Yea for Daniel! Glad he's transitioning so easily... so far ;-) So good to talk to you yesterday. Miss ya.