Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Life at the Lee House

I'm trying to think where to start for today's post. So much is going on. I guess I'll start with the bad news...

- We all have a cold right now. It stinks. Daniel is already on his third nap today. He is just not himself when he feels bad. I guess none of us are really. I had hoped to run a bunch of errands today, but we decided to stay home and lay low instead.

... and the good/bad news ...

- The roofers started on our new roof today. It's good because we need one. Bad because we have to pay for it. The bonus is that I'm getting them to install a new front door and screen door. The gold spray paint and slamming door must go.

- We had a suprise visit from Aunt Katie! She was stranded in Chicago because of Hurricane Ike. We were glad she came up for the day, but living in a place hit by a hurricane is no fun.

... and the good news ...

- I had a chance to make Daniel some carrot baby food since we were stuck at home. Nothing like pureeing bunches of steamed carrots. I'm still figuring out this homemade baby food thing. I keep buying too much of the raw ingredients. I purchased the organic carrots at Costco where the smallest bag is 10 pounds! I made Daniel about 30 servings of carrots, and I still have about 8.5 pounds of carrots left. If anyone has any good carrot recipes, let me know. I think I'll post more about the baby food later.

- ND is looking like a much better team this year. It's so nice to go in to work after a win instead of a loss. GO IRISH!

Alright, I know there is more good news, but it's escaping me right now. I had a plan when I started this post. I've quickly forgotten it. Here are a few pictures of Daniel.

Is this a sign of things to come?

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