Sunday, August 31, 2008

The End of Summer

We have been enjoying the long weekend here in Wisconsin. The weather has been perfect and we have had lots of activities. Friday night Dan, Peggy, and Non came over for dinner. Yesterday Matt and I went to the UW football game, and today we are going to spend the day at the lake after we go to church. We don't have any plans for tomorrow yet. I'm just trying to save up my energy for the next month. We have lots on the calendar already.

Daniel is changing by the minute. He has started to figure out some cause and effect relationships. The most comical one is that he head buts the little musical device on the exersaucer. I keep thinking that it must hurt him, but he keeps doing it and doesn't cry.

Last night he stayed sitting for a few moments. This is just the start of sitting, but we took a picture anyway. He is quite the little squirmer these days, so we are continually trying out new poses.

Here he is getting ready for college football season. He has a strong interest in the TV, so we have cut back quite a bit. I will actually spend an entire day at home and not turn the TV on until he goes to bed. May not be an accomplishment for some of you, but for me it is a big change. I'm thinking that he will get to see quite a bit of football. We're just not ready to give that up. Maybe we will mute it.

Squirming in Non's arms.


Lisa said...

cute pictures! Love the head butting and the sitting ones.

Kristin said...

The tailgating outfit is adorable :o) Can't wait to see you at Purdue!