Friday, July 20, 2012

Yoga Bomb the Backyard

Daniel wanted to take some pictures of me doing yoga. I thought it was a great idea ;) since I'm all about yoga these days. Strange doing it in shoes, but that's ok. The boys got in on the action, too. Since I've been accused of never putting pictures of me on the blog, I decided to share some of Daniel's pics with you today. My yoga studio, Dragonfly Hot Yoga, has a yoga bomb contest. Do you think any of these are contest quality? The angle and cropping could be improved, but I guess that's the risk of 4-year-old photographers. I'm enjoying some quiet time while Christopher rests and Daniel attempts to be relaxed in his room. Hence the double post today. I can feel a slight breeze coming through the house and hear the birds chirping. Lovely, lovely right now. After our much needed rain earlier this week, the heat has dissipated and everything is so green again. Ahhh.  

Updog with a smile

Almost into downward dog.



Reverse tabletop.

Not quite sure on this one, but he looks like he is.

Three legged dog.

Modified lizard and another reverse tabletop

Twist is like you mean it.

Giraffe bucky needed some love, too.

But wait, Mom, I have two giraffe's.

My weak attempt at a shot together, but Daniel has a really sweet smile.

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