Friday, May 13, 2011

Facebook Status Inner Circle

I find myself wishing more and more that there was an inner circle on Facebook. I often have witty status update ideas, but I'm not really sure I want them out there for everyone to read. For instance, today I would like my status to be, "Things I'll trade for naptime: No accidents and two poops in the potty and it's only 3 pm!" If you talk to me regularly, you know that I cherish afternoon nap. You might also know that Daniel is resisting the potty with full force. (I guess the amped up reward system is working.) I'm just not sure how many people really think that would be funny or know me well enough to understand the real meaning here, but for those of you would would get it, I would love to hear similar things from you. Hence, my idea of the inner circle. Those of you who like hearing things like that from me could be in the inner circle. Everyone else can just read the not too personal updates.

1 comment:

Katie said... can make lists of people and allow just them to see notes and put your wittiness in the notes only?