Saturday, February 19, 2011

Daniel Thomas Starwars Beeko Lee All Cooped Up

Winter is starting to get long for the boys. They have been spending their days trying to climb and jump on anything in sight. Daniel is relatively coordinated with climbing and jumping now, but Christopher is still learning. The two of them together is rather scary at times. I'm amazed at what Christopher can already do, and I hate to admit it, but I can't wait for him to master going over the arm of the couch. Headfirst is no way to go.

We had a bit of a warm up this week, and nearly all the snow on the deck is melted. We actually got to play on the porch this week. It was so nice to have a new space to play in for the boys.

Daniel has been telling us some really fun stories these days. Presently, we are discussing all the presidents on his president placemat. Matt is particularly good at this game as he knows all the presidents, birth dates, death dates, cause of death, and favorite foods. Ok, exaggerating on the favorite foods. Daniel can point at a place on the mat and Matt knows what he is pointing at without even looking. I, on the other hand, have to secretly look to see who Daniel is pointing at without him knowing. I think he is starting to call them "Presidents" instead of "Indians" which is what they have been called for the past month or so. I'm not sure where that came from. Daniel is quite familiar with George Washington because that is where his milk goes, and Ronald Reagan because he is Matt's favorite.

Daniel has also adopted a new name for himself. It's Daniel Thomas Starwars Beeko Lee. Apparently Matt called himself Matthew Daniel Starwars Beeko Lee for many years as a child, and Daniel has adopted the name with the encouragement of Boppa. It's pretty hilarious to hear him correct me with his name. "No Mommy, it's Daniel Thomas Starwars Beeko Lee." We have not come up with a Christohper equivalent. I'm thinking Chris-bo Karabekin could be a candidate. I was Ra-bo Karabekin for many years. Suggestions are welcome.

Enjoy the video!

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