Sunday, September 5, 2010

Potty Training

So as I write this, Daniel is sitting across from me at the table in Thomas the Train underwear. Now, I'm not sure if he is actually ready for potty training, but Matt went to South Bend for the game with his parents and I guess I needed a project. I would say that we are having average success at best. There are still lots of accidents.

The high points are the few times that he actually walked himself into the bathroom, pulled his underwear down, used the potty, dumped it in the toilet, washed the bowl, put it back, flushed the toilet, and came and told me. Seriously, he's done that more than once in the couple days we have been doing this. He also had his first out of the house outing today with success! We went to church and Daniel made it there and back dry! It was all for the lollipop that I told him he had to wait until after church to eat, but it happened. Clearly he has somewhat of an understanding of the potty. The cute part is watching him run around in underwear and a t-shirt. Those little legs move so quickly. It is particularly cute with his Crocs on, too.

Anyway, I can tell that this is going to be a battle of wills as Daniel is quite the stubborn little guy. Somehow I have to make the potty seem more appealing that play. That's a challenge. I guess I could just bribe him with candy into using the potty. That lollipop got me 3 hours of dry underwear. The stickers are only moderate motivation, but he will use it if he really wants one.

Christopher is not taking well to the extra attention Daniel is getting. He has been a total Mama's boy the last couple days. If I got out of the room he starts crying and crawling after me.

Luckily backup should be arriving home soon. I'm getting a little stir crazy here in the house. I don't have high hopes for Daniel going to school on Wednesday in underwear, but I bet our diaper consumption will be down over the next few days. Wish us luck!

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