Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Christopher's First Meal

Christopher has been changing a lot these days! He is starting to move around. He is rolling from back to front and scooting around for toys, and he is really playing with his toys. For a month we were wondering if he was going to take his time with the movement, but at this point, it's looking like he is ready to go. All this moving around makes for a hungry boy, so we decided to introduce rice cereal. Well, I might have done myself a favor by waiting until after nap as you can see in the videos Christopher was a little tired, but I was just too excited. He really seemed to get the concept, and Daniel even got his own spoon out of the cabinet to help feed Christopher with. He's been wanting to help feed him since he was born, so this was great for him. After seeing Daniel in the high chair until just recently, Christopher looks so small in there! Christopher jumped right in and grabbed ahold of the spoon, so we've moved to the two spoon method after two bites. These videos were linked from Facebook, so we'll see how they work.

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