Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We are in the midst of my first blizzard ever. Since about 6 pm last night, we have gotten about 16 inches of snow. It's still snowing and it is supposed to get much colder and windier. Matt actually had a path cleared for me to get out to go to work today. It took me less time than a normal day because I was the only person who decided to go to work today. When there were only about 20 people in my office at 10 am, I decided to come home since Daniel's daycare was closed. Don't worry, I've already heard it from many people that a woman in my condition should not be driving to work in a blizzard. Here are some pictures of all the snow and of our Christmas tree.
Daniel's hiding at the top of the driveway with the snowblower. Notice the mailbox in the foreground.
The snow is almost as deep as Daniel is tall.There is almost a foot of snow on top of the handrail.


Katie said...

reminds me of finals week my freshman year. it dumped 3 feet overnight and continued to snow most of the day.

they rescheduled some finals for later in the week.

Maggie said...

This makes me SOOO excited to come home!!! See you guys in a week!!!

Leigh Dixon said...

I can not even imagine that much snow. Your cousins here in Louisiana would so love it.....for about two days.