Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bunkbeds or Lots of Pink?

Today we had the 20-week ultrasound, and after much debate, we decided to find out the sex of baby number 2. Matt still was not 100 percent sure if he wanted to know, but I really wanted to know. He capitulated, and let me find out. The most important thing is that the baby is healthy and looking great. The ultrasound technician actually asked if we thought the baby looked like Daniel. I don't have nearly enough experience reading ultrasounds to come up with that sort of conclusion.

Leading into today, I've kind of built up the sex issue down to a relatively simple equation. If it's a boy, we are getting bunk beds, and they are going to share a room eventually. If it's a girl, I'm going to have to beef up our pink and purple inventory. So it looks like we will be shopping for bunk beds in the upcoming months! Daniel is going to have a little brother.

This weekend we are headed to our cottage in Nova Scotia for a week. Hopefully we will have great weather. I can't wait to see Daniel on the sandbars. He will be able to run forever! Did I mention that he runs now? Well, he does. It is really funny to watch his little legs go. He can't really move them like an adult yet, so he sort of wobbles back and forth as he moves forward. Of course, there are the periodic falls that disrupt his running, too. Thank goodness it takes a big fall to make him cry.


Catherine said...

Congratulations!!! Oh, they will have so much fun together. Your boys will be close enough in age to play on the same teams together... I think that brings brothers closer together than anything. Have fun this weekend!

Courtney M. O'Mara said...

I am confused by the need for bunkbeds ... your house is too spacious for sharing rooms! Or are you planning tohave your own football team?


Alisha said...

Congrats! 2 boys--that will be soooo much fun!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations!!
