Friday, July 31, 2009

Daniel the Athlete

Daniel has been acheiving new athletic feats daily. He climbs in and out of the big bathtub, he can climb in and out of his highchair, and he can climb onto the stools in the kitchen, just to name a few. Yesterday he actually climbed up to and went down the big corkscrew slide at the park by himself. I always wonder whether or not to let him do these things. Normally, I just let him go unless he is in serious danger or is doing something totally inappropriate like getting on the kitchen table.

Daniel has a few favorite things. He loves the bathtub in our bathroom. He will throw all his 'toys' in and climb after them. You can see some of the items in the little video below. Thankfully he is not too adept at turning the faucet on yet. The bathtub gets really slippery when it's wet. Yesterday he decided that he wanted to crawl down the edge of the tub. You can see that in the video, too. For those of you wondering, he did eventually make it all the way down the side. Shorty after this, I decided that going to the park and playing on the balance beam might be a fun activity.

Another favorite thing of Daniel's is brushing his teeth. I'm pretty sure it's just for the toothpaste, but it seems to keep him busy for a few minutes in the morning. Daniel also enjoys Sesame Street. He will sit or stand and watch almost an entire episode. It is a savior on the days that he skips afternoon nap.

On the pregnancy front things are going well. I was feeling pretty worn out for a couple weeks, so I started taking iron supplements and have regained my energy. Next Wednesday we have the 20-week ultrasound, and we have decided to find out the sex of the baby. I'm looking forward to knowing whether it's a boy or girl.

Last thing, check out the Gagnon's blog, All Things Baby Gagnon, linked on the right to see a few pictures from the SFD weekend.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Priceless! What a climber!