Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Daniel!

Daniel had a wonderful first birthday. He was amazingly pleasant today. He was in a really good mood and ate and slept like a champ. When most mealtimes end with the floor being mopped, eating like a champ is priceless. We had a little party for him over lunch today, and he loved all the attention. Daniel is a total ham. He must take after his father in that respect. I hope to make a little movie of the cupcake eating, but for now, here is a video of him with one of his new favorite toys. As you can see, he already has it down. I think the reason he is so interested in phones, he got three today, is that I'm always on the phone. Most mornings and evenings, Daniel and I talk to his Grammy on the phone. It is just good that he has one of his own to hold on to since everytime I give him the real phone he pushes the mute button or hangs up.


Lisa said...

I can't wait till Friday!!!! What a cutie! Thanks for posting videos. MOM/Grammy

Anonymous said...

Looks like Daniel had a great 1st birthday! Sorry I couldn't be there. Hope you guys have a wonderful easter and a lovely time with your family.

Alisha said...

Congrats Daniel (and mom!) for making it to year 1! That video is too sweet...

Sooo, what's Daniel's eating/sleeping schedule at 1 year? Is he saying any words? Any good toy suggestions?! Thanks!