Monday, July 28, 2008

Amherst Shore 2008 - Brown-Christie Games

Shore life is treating us well. The Brown-Christie Games will be decided today with the golf tournament. As it stands right now, the Browns are up by one point. If we win the golf, we will win it all. If not, the winner will be decided in a putting contest. We won bridge, cribbage, all three Trivial Pursuits, frisbee golf, the water relay, and junior softball. The Christie's won Hearts, Ultimate Frisbee, both volleyballs, open softball, Bocce ball, and the sack race.

I had to take a step back from my usual level of participation to be a Mommy, but I guess that is what happens when you have added responsibility. I think I'm the only person who has had to get a sub in the softball game to nurse the baby. Matt has taken up any slack that I left and has contributeed in most events.

Daniel is loving it up here and has been 'swimming' twice already. The salt water is working wonders for his eczema and diaper rash. I've taken to naked swimming since the swim shorts don't really protect the diaper, and he just ends up with a very large and wet diaper. You SFD girls would be proud of his nakedness :)

Daniel with his great grandfather Amos.

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