Sunday, January 13, 2013

Poor Neglected Blog

Believe it or not, I think about my blog daily even though I have been a rather infrequent blogger in the past year. I guess life is busy. The combination of the new year and being pregnant has me wanting to tackle every house project that's been circling around the back of my mind all at once. I had one really successful purge day where I managed to pitch all sorts of expired pantry food (mostly old kid candy and unopened sodas) and clean out a mound of paper and old grocery bags. It felt so great!

I also feel rather proud that I was able to find new homes for almost all of the Christmas gifts! The boys were in great need of a toy shake up. Christmas couldn't have come at a better time. However, finding these new homes has somehow aroused the organization monster that lies within, and now I'm dead set that the basement is getting painted, carpeted, and affixed with much new toy storage and even maybe an art room. Chalkboard walls sound like so much fun! This is about the point where I get totally overwhelmed and end up quitting the project before I even get started. We have not done anything down there since moving in and the pastel blue paint and carpet are not for me. Not to mention the condition of the carpet which was stained when we moved in.

I have visions of a space that is warm and invites creativity while allowing for much jumping, climbing, and wild play without having to stress about what is getting destroyed or broken. Every mother's dream, right? I also want our guest room to be spiffed up just a bit. It's nice and private now. I'm sure the guests would enjoy warm and cozy, too.

This must be the nesting instinct kicking in. I'll be sure to keep you updated if I ever make any progress in the basement. If any of you Madison readers know a great decorator, pass the name my way. I might have to punt on this one.

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