Tuesday, October 2, 2012

...And Then We'll Have a Little Talk

Bedtime has been challenging recently. Daniel is still practicing being noctournal, and Christopher is going through the big transition from crib to bed. This irritating behavior is starting to slip back into the bathtime hour, too. Tonight, I was not going to let the boys spin out of control during bath, so being of mild temper and little drama, I announced that, "you two are acting like you belong in an institution." Maybe not my best pronouncement, but at least I announced it rather than screaming it at them. Well, it made an impact. Daniel promptly inquired about institutions and asked if jail was one. I figured that was about as close of a concept as he would understand, so I said that it was. During bedtime I learned what the take-home message was from Christopher.

"Mommy, if we don't listen or break the law the police officer will come to our house, and he will take us and put us in his car. Then we will have to ride in his car to jail, and we will have a little talk. Then he will drive us back home, right?" He repeated this several times, just to make sure he had it right. Then he announces, "Mommy, I'm not going to break the law and have to go to jail, but I think Daniel will."

So, now I'm second guessing my announcement. Hopefully there's no permanent damage.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hahahahaha! Christopher cracks me up!