Monday, May 21, 2012

I have to find a woman?

Last weekend we were driving up to Portage for the inagural lake day of the year and to see the family and to celebrate Mother's Day. Daniel has been thinking a lot about life events and the way things work and I guess the concept of Mother's Day was churning in his head. So here's how the conversation went...

"Daddy, who will born the babies when Mommy dies?" Daniel

Matt, "Well, Daniel the way things work is that when you grow up, you will fall in love and find a woman for you to marry, and then you will start a family of your own."

Daniel, seeming quite overwhelmed, "I have to find a woman!" expresssed as if he were going to hop out of the car right at that very moment and lock up a woman for life.

Matt and I almost lost it right then and there. Matt says, "Well sometimes you hit it right, and sometimes you don't." Oi, oi, oi is about all I can say.

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