Saturday, April 3, 2010

Turning Two

We have been busy here making preparations for Daniel's second birthday and his second birthday party. One of our biggest tasks was teaching him how to hold two fingers up. He has to concentrate so hard to figure it out. It's like you can see his mind working while he tries to figure it out. I love watching him think so hard.

I asked Daniel what kind of party he wanted and his response was, "Hot dog." Not, "Hot diggity dog, I'm having a party," just "hot dog." I was thinking he might say Sesame or baseball, but no, the answer was hot dog. So we are having hot dogs. Too bad the weather turned rainy and cold. Yesterday is was in the 70s.

Wish us luck with the hot dogs today!


Hillary said...

Do you have the Pigeon books? "Don't let the Pigeon stay up late?" and others by Mo Willems? Maybe that is where he got the idea?
Happy Birthday Daniel!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my birthday twin! Hope you guys have a wonderful party :-)